
            As per the directive received from Indian Government of Maharashtra state the principal of L.B. H. S. S. T. constituted the Mahila takrar samiti on 20th January 2014 to look into the grievance related to female students in the institute.

            The committee has been formed to cognizance of the grievances related to the physical or mental harassment if any reported by girl students of the institute.

            The objective is also to look into the redressal of such undesirable activities. Information about the constitution of Mahila Takrar Samiti has been uploaded on the institute website for the information of students & meeting are conducted to discuss on the grievances if any & to redressal the same. There is need to network with women’s & social organization for collaborative work on women security.

            The Samiti serves to present girl students with a form to share grievances of a sensitive nature & support & counsel them. Seminar are conducted through various committees such as women development cell for girl students to sensitize them on security of women & enhance their awareness on the campus is adequately equipped with close circuit cameras at many location (Including all classroom & common areas) which not only act as deterrents to misbehavior but also enable authorities to identify off enders if any.

            One of the objectives of this committee is that this status is maintained & the campus is a haven which promotes equality & a healthy academic environment for all its members.


  1. To make the victim Solace by immediately approaching the cell.
  2. To control the crime against working women in their work place by constitution this cell.
  3. To make a report of the organization for further necessary action.


            One of the most important function is to give counseling to the victim our college has a counseling cell hence the matter can be immediately taken care of the made of function differs as per the organization. In college along with the lady staff even the girl students are inclusive.

            Hence in our college in the very beginning of academic year of FYBA, BSC, BCOM Degree course an orientation programme is held where is parents along with their word are asked to attend the programme. In this programme an awareness about this cell elucidated.

            Till date in our college no such incident have being reported. This clearly reflects the good harmonious relation existing among the students within the ambience of this college.

            As per the Rule of the UGC MGV’s Arts, Commerce & Science College Malegaon City formed the committee for 2021-22

Sr. No.NameDesignation
1Dr. Ansari Naseem J. APresident
2Dr. Poonam Sonawane 
3Miss SHiriya Bhagvi DeoreN. G. O.
4Dr. Rizwana HamdaniMember
5Dr. Shagufta AnsariMember
6Aaisha GaziyaniMember
7Arshiya KaserMember


Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan 2016-2017

Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan 2017-2018

Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan 2018-2019

Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan 2019-2020

Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan 2020-2021

Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan 2021-2022

Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan 2022-2023

Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan 2023-2024